Advisory Board Member of Criminology Open
Affiliation | University of Central Florida
Email | [email protected]
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Bio | Will Moreto is an Associate Professor in the Department of Criminal Justice at the University of Central Florida, where he is also a faculty fellow for the Center of Economic and Environmental Opportunity. He received his Ph.D. in Criminal Justice from Rutgers School of Criminal Justice, and his B.A. in Criminology from Simon Fraser University. His research interests center on wildlife crime, wildlife law enforcement, conservation rangers, conservation crime and harm prevention, and policing. He has conducted qualitative fieldwork in Kenya, Nepal, Uganda, and the Philippines, and has engaged in primary survey collection in over 25 countries. He has collaborated with the World Wide Fund for Nature, Re:wild, and USAID. His work can be found in various scientific journals, including Biological Conservation, British Journal of Criminology, and Justice Quarterly. He is the lead author of Wildlife Crime: An Environmental Criminology and Crime Science Perspective (Carolina Academic Press) and the editor of Wildlife Crime: From Theory to Practice (Temple University Press).