Authors based in the United States should consider this table to determine whether they (1) can take advantage of an existing rights-retention policy at their university, and (2) if not, should spark an effort to adopt one there. For more information, see the Open Letter to Criminology Units: Thwart Embargoes on Green Access by Adopting and Taking Advantage of a Rights-Retention Policy. The focus on PhD-granting criminology programs in the US is due to those being best known by the Criminology Open team, but the policy is equally important at academic units without such a program or outside the US.
Rights-Retention Policies at PhD-Granting Criminology Programs in the United States
University | Rights-Retention Policy Adopted |
American University | |
Arizona State University | |
CUNY, John Jay College of Criminal Justice | |
Florida State University | ✔ (2016) |
George Mason University | |
Georgia State University | |
Indiana University | ✔ (2017) |
Indiana University of Pennsylvania | |
Michigan State University | |
North Dakota State University | |
Northeastern University | |
Old Dominion University | |
Pennsylvania State University | ✔ (2019) |
Prairie View A&M University | |
Rutgers, The State University of New York | ✔ (2012) |
Sam Houston State University | |
Southern Illinois University, Carbondale | |
Temple University | |
Texas Southern University | |
Texas State University | |
University at Albany SUNY | |
University of Arkansas, Little Rock | |
University of California, Irvine | ✔ (2013) |
University of Central Florida | |
University of Cincinnati | |
University of Delaware | ✔ (2015) |
University of Florida | |
University of Illinois, Chicago | |
University of Louisville | |
University of Maryland, College Park | |
University of Massachusetts, Lowell | |
University of Missouri, St. Louis | |
University of Nebraska, Omaha | |
University of Nevada, Las Vegas | ✔ (2019) |
University of New Haven | |
University of Pennsylvania | |
University of South Carolina | |
University of South Florida | |
University of Southern Mississippi | |
University of Texas, Dallas | |
Washington State University |
Note: Numbers in parentheses are the years of adoption. Blank cell means not adopted. List of universities is from the
U.S. World & News Report
as of October 22, 2020. Data on adoption is from the
Harvard Open Access Project
as of the same date.