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Rights-Retention Policies at PhD-Granting Criminology Programs in the US

Published onOct 30, 2020
Rights-Retention Policies at PhD-Granting Criminology Programs in the US

Authors based in the United States should consider this table to determine whether they (1) can take advantage of an existing rights-retention policy at their university, and (2) if not, should spark an effort to adopt one there. For more information, see the Open Letter to Criminology Units: Thwart Embargoes on Green Access by Adopting and Taking Advantage of a Rights-Retention Policy. The focus on PhD-granting criminology programs in the US is due to those being best known by the Criminology Open team, but the policy is equally important at academic units without such a program or outside the US.

Rights-Retention Policies at PhD-Granting Criminology Programs in the United States


Rights-Retention Policy Adopted

American University

Arizona State University

CUNY, John Jay College of Criminal Justice

Florida State University

✔ (2016)

George Mason University

Georgia State University

Indiana University

✔ (2017)

Indiana University of Pennsylvania

Michigan State University

North Dakota State University

Northeastern University

Old Dominion University

Pennsylvania State University

✔ (2019)

Prairie View A&M University

Rutgers, The State University of New York

✔ (2012)

Sam Houston State University

Southern Illinois University, Carbondale

Temple University

Texas Southern University

Texas State University

University at Albany SUNY

University of Arkansas, Little Rock

University of California, Irvine

✔ (2013)

University of Central Florida

University of Cincinnati

University of Delaware

✔ (2015)

University of Florida

University of Illinois, Chicago

University of Louisville

University of Maryland, College Park

University of Massachusetts, Lowell

University of Missouri, St. Louis

University of Nebraska, Omaha

University of Nevada, Las Vegas

✔ (2019)

University of New Haven

University of Pennsylvania

University of South Carolina

University of South Florida

University of Southern Mississippi

University of Texas, Dallas

Washington State University

Note: Numbers in parentheses are the years of adoption. Blank cell means not adopted. List of universities is from theU.S. World & News Reportas of October 22, 2020. Data on adoption is from the Harvard Open Access Project as of the same date.

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