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Free Criminology Books

Published onJun 17, 2021
Free Criminology Books
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Books · CrimRxiv

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Abdelhady, Dalia, Nina Gren, and Martin Joormann (eds). 2020. Refugees and the Violence of Welfare Bureaucracies in Northern Europe. Manchester University Press. (Available here.)

Abe, Seiji, Mamoru Ozawa, and Yoshiaki Kawata (eds.). 2019. Science of Societal Safety: Living at Times of Risks and Disasters. Springer. (Available here.)

Affolter, Laura. 2021. Asylum Matters: On the Front Line of Administrative Decision-Making. Springer Nature. (Available here.)

Alexander, William. 2010. Is William Martinez Not Our Brother? Twenty Years of the Prison Creative Arts Project. University of Michigan Press. (Available here.)

Amelung, Nina, Rafaela Granja, and Helena Machado. 2021. Modes of Bio-Bordering: The Hidden (Dis)Integration of Europe. Springer Nature. (Available here.)

Armenta, Amada. 2017. Protect, Serve, and Deport: The Rise of Policing as Immigration Enforcement. University of California Press. (Available here.)

Benson, Sara M. 2019. The Prison of Democracy: Race, Leavenworth, and the Culture of Law. University of California Press. (Available here.)

Best, David. 2019. Pathways to Recovery and Desistance. Policy Press. (Available here.)

Bieder, Corinne, and Kenneth Pettersen Gould. 2020. The Coupling of Safety and Security: Exploring Interrelations in Theory and Practice. Springer Nature. (Available here.)

Bjørgo, Tore, and Miroslav Mareš (eds.). 2019. Vigilantism against Migrants and Minorities. Routledge. (Available here.)

Bugnon, Geraldine. 2020. Governing Delinquency Through Freedom: Control, Rehabilitation and Desistance. Routledge. (Available here.)

Bugnon, Géraldine (translated by Lucy Garnier). 2020. Governing Delinquency Through Freedom: Control, Rehabilitation and Desistance. Taylor & Francis. (Available here.)

Causer, Tim (ed.). 2017. Memorandums by James Martin: An Astonishing Escape from Early New South Wales. UCL Press. (Available here.)

Causer, Tim, and Philip Schofield (eds.). 2021. Panopticon versus New South Wales and Other Writings on Australia. UCL Press. (Available here.)

Choi-Fitzpatrick, Austin. 2020. The Good Drone: How Social Movements Democratize Surveillance. MIT Press. (Available here.)

Clarke, Ronald V., and John Eck. 2003. Become a Problem Solving Crime Analyst. Jill Dando Institute of Crime Science. (Available here.)

Ceccato, Vania. 2016. Rural Crime and Community Safety. Routledge. (Available here.)

Ceccato, Vania, and Mahesh K. Nalla (eds.). 2020. Crime and Fear in Public Places. Routledge. (Available here.)

Christen, Markus, Bert Gordijn, and Michele Loi (eds.). 2020. The Ethics of Cybersecurity. Springer Nature. (Available here.)

Chynoweth, Adele. 2020. Goodna Girls: A History of Children in a Queensland Mental Asylum. ANU Press. (Available here.)

Cornell, Saul A., and Nathan Kozuskanich. 2013 (eds.). The Second Amendment on Trial: Critical Essays on District of Columbia v. Heller. University of Massachusetts Press. (Available here.)

Costanza-Chock, Sasha, and Manuel Castells. 2014. Out of the Shadows, Into the Streets!: Transmedia Organizing and the Immigrant Rights Movement. MIT Press. (Available here.)

Deibert, Ronald, John Palfrey, Rafal Rohozinski, and Jonathan Zittrain (eds.). 2008. Access Denied: The Practice and Policy of Global Internet Filtering. MIT Press. (Available here.)

Deibert, Ronald, John Palfrey, Rafal Rohozinski, and Jonathan Zittrain (eds.). 2008. Access Contested: Security, Identity, and Resistance in Asian Cybersecurity. MIT Press. (Available here.)

Deibert, Ronald, John Palfrey, Rafal Rohozinski, and Jonathan Zittrain (eds.). 2010. Access Contested: The Shaping of Power, Rights, and Rule in Cyberspace. MIT Press. (Available here.)

DeNardis, Laura, Derrick Cogburn, Nanette S. Levinson, and Francesca Musiani (eds.). 2020. Researching Internet Governance: Methods, Frameworks, Futures. MIT Press. (Available here.)

Dingwall, Gavin, and Tim Hillier. 2015. Blamestorming, Blamemongers and Scapegoats: Allocating Blame in the Criminal Justice Process. Policy Press. (Available here.)

Dreyfus, Jean-Marc, and Élisabeth Anstett (eds.). 2017. Human Remains and Mass Violence: Methodological Approaches. Manchester University Press. (Available here.)

Du Rose, Natasha. 2015. The Governance of Female Drug Users: Women’s Experiences of Drug Policy. Policy Press. (Available here.)

Egbert, Simon, and Matthias Leese. 2021. Criminal Futures: Predictive Policing and Everyday Police Work. Routledge. (Available here.)

Falch-Eriksen, Asgeir, and Elisabeth Backe-Hansen. 2018. Human Rights in Child Protection: Implications for Professional Practice and Policy. Palgrave. (Available here.)

Gallo, Carina, and Kerstin Svensson. 2019. Victim Support and the Welfare State. Routledge. (Available here.)

Gangoli, Geetanjali, and Nicole Westermarland (eds.). International Approaches to Rape. Policy Press. (Available here.)

Gani, Miriam, and Penelope Mathew. 2008. Fresh Perspectives on the ‘War on Terror.’ ANU Press. (Available here.)

Ghiabi, Maziyar. 2019. Drugs Politics: Managing Disorder in the Islamic Republic of Iran. Cambridge University Press. (Available here.)

Geltner, Guy. 2014. Flogging Others: Corporal Punishment and Cultural Identity from Antiquity to Present. Amsterdam University Press. (Available here.)

Glesson, Shannon. 2016. Precarious Claims: The Promise and Failure of Workplace Protections in the United States. University of California Press. (Available here.)

de Graaf, Gjalt, Patrick von Maravic, and Pieter Waagenar. 2010. The Good Cause: Theoretical Perspectives on Corruption. Verlag. (Available here.)

Gregoriou, Christiana (ed.). 2018. Representations of Transnational Human Trafficking: Present-Day News Media, True Crime, and Fiction. Springer. (Available here.)

Guzik, Keith. 2016. Making Things Stick: Surveillance Technologies and Mexico’s War on Crime. University of California Press. (Available here.)

Hurka, Steffen. 2017. Rampage Shootings and Gun Control: Politicization and Policy Change in Western Europe. Routledge. (Available here.)

Harris-White, Barbara, and Lucia Michelutti. 2019. The Wild East: Criminal Political Economics in South Asia. UCL Press. (Available here.)

Hearty, Kevin. 2017. Critical Engagement: Irish Republicanism, Memory Politics and Policing. Liverpool University Press. (Available here.)

Heinrich-Böll-Stiftung and Regine Schönenberg (eds.). 2013. Transnational Organized Crime: Analyses of a Global Challenge to Democracy. Verlag. (Available here.)

Heinskou, Marie Bruvik, May-Len Skilbrei, and Kari Stefansen (eds.). 2019. Rape in the Nordic Countries. Routledge. (Available here.)

Heitmeyer, Wilhelm, Simon Howell, Sebastian Kurtenbach, Abdul Rauf, Muhammad Zaman, and Steffen Zdun. 2019. The Codes of the Street in Risky Neighborhoods: A Cross-Cultural Comparison of Youth Violence in Germany, Pakistan, and South Africa. Springer. (Available here.)

Hidalgo, César A., Diana Orghiain, Jordi Albo Canals, Filipa de Almeida, and Natalia Martin. 2021. How Humans Judge Machines. MIT Press. (Available here.)

Holdaway, Simon, and Paul Rock (eds.). Thinking About Criminology. Taylor & Francis. (Available here.)

Hörnqvist, Magnus. 2021. The Pleasure of Punishment. Routledge. (Available here.)

Jacques, Scott. 2019. Grey Area: Regulating Amsterdam’s Coffeeshops. UCL Press. (Available here.)

Jacques, Scott, and Philip Schofield (2021). Jeremy Bentham on Police: The Unknown Story and What It Means for Criminology. UCL Press. (Available here.)

Jansson, Julia. 2019. Terrorism, Criminal Law and Politics: The Decline of the Political Offence Exception to Extradition. Routledge. (Available here.)

Johansson, Susanna, Kari Stefansen, Elisiv Bakketeig, and Anna Kaldal (eds.). 2017. Collaborating Against Child Abuse: Exploring the Nordic Barnahus Model. Palgrave. (Available here.)

Johnson, David T. 2020. The Culture of Capital Punishment in Japan. Palgrave. (Available here.)

Jørgensen, Rikke Frank. 2006. Human Rights in the Age of Platforms. MIT Press. (Available here.)

Joyce, Laura E. 2017. Luminol Theory. Punctum Books. (Available here.)

Kaplan, Jacob. 2021. Crime by the Numbers: A Criminologist’s Guide to R. Self-published. (Available here.)

Kaplan, Jacob. 2021. Uniform Crime Reporting (UCR) Program Data: A Practitioner’s Guide. Self-published. (Available here.)

Karaganis, Joe. 2018. Shadow Libraries: Access to Knowledge in Global Higher Education. MIT Press. (Available here.)

Keipi, Teo, Matti Näsi, Atte Oksanen, Pekka Räsänen. 2017. Online Hate and Harmful Content: Cross-National Perspectives. Routledge. (Available here.)

King, Peter. 2017. Punishing the Criminal Corpse, 1700-1840: Aggravated Forms of the Death Penalty in England. Palgrave Macmillan. (Available here.)

Kitchen, Ted, and Richard H. Schneider. 2002. Planning for Crime Prevention. Taylor & Francis. (Available here.)

Kocak, Deniz. 2018. Rethinking Community Policing in International Police Reform. Ubiquity Press. (Available here.)

Kumar, Radha. 2021. Police Matters: The Everyday State and Caste Politics in South India, 1900-1975. Cornell University Press. (Available here.)

Larmour, Peter, and Nick Wolanin (eds.). 2014. Corruption and Anti-Corruption. ANU Press.(Available here.)

Leventakis, George, and M. R. Haberfield (eds.). 2018. Community-Oriented Policing and Technological Innovations. Springer. (Available here.)

Leventakis, George, and M. R. Haberfield (eds.). 2018. Societal Implications of Community-Oriented Policing and Technology. Springer. (Available here.)

Loney-Howes, Rachel. 2020. Online Anti-Rape Activism: Exploring the Politics of the Personal in the Age of Digital Media. Emerald. (Available here.)

Kelly, Craig, Adam Lynes, and Kevin Hoffin (eds.). 2020. Video Games, Crime and Next-Gen Deviance. Emerald. (Available here.)

Lien, Marianne Inéz, and Jørgen Lorentzen. 2019. Men’s Experiences of Violence in Intimate Relationships. Palgrave. (Available here.)

Machado, Helena, and Rafaela Granja. 2020. Forensic Genetics in the Governance of Crime. Palgrave. (Available here.)

MacLeod, John F, Peter Grove, and David Farrington. 2012. Explaining Criminal Careers: Implications for Justice Policy. Oxford University Press. (Available here.)

Mahood, Linda. 1995. Policing Gender, Class and Family in Britain, 1800-1945. Taylor & Francis. (Available here.)

Milosevic, Tijana. 2018. Protecting Children Online? Cyberbullying Policies of Social Media Companies. MIT Press. (Available here.)

Muggah, Robert, and John de Boer. 2019. Security Sector Reform and Citizen Security: Experiences from Urban Latin America in Global Perspective. Ubiquity Press. (Available here.)

National Research Council. 2009. Strengthening Forensic Science in the United States: A Path Forward. National Academies Press. (Available here.)

National Research Council. 2013. Reforming Juvenile Justice: A Developmental Approach. National Academies Press. (Available here.)

National Research Council. 2014. Identifying the Culprit: Assessing Eyewitness Identification. The National Academies Press. (Available here.)

National Research Council. 2014. The Growth of Incarceration in the United States: Exploring Causes and Consequences. National Academies Press. (Available here.)

National Research Council. 2014. At the Nexus of Cybersecurity and Public Policy: Some Basic Concepts and Issues. The National Academies Press. (Available here.)

National Academies of Sciences, Engineering, and Medicine. 2018. Proactive Policing: Effects on Crime and Communities. National Academies Press. (Available here.)

National Academy of Engineering. 2019. Privacy and Security in the 21st Century: Who Knows and Who Controls?: Proceedings of a Forum. The National Academies Press. (Available here.)

Nowak, Celina. 2021. Combatting Illicit Trade on the EU Border. Springer. (Available here.)

Nurse, Anne M. 2020. Confronting Child Sexual Abuse: Knowledge to Action. Lever Press. (Available here.)

Postigo, Hector. 2012. The Digital Rights Movement: The Role of Technology in Subverting Digital Copyright. MIT Press. (Available here.)

Reagle, Joseph M., Jr. 2015. Reading the Comments: Likers, Haters, and Manipulators at the Bottom of the Web. MIT Press. (Available here.)

Roberts, Louise. 2021. The Children of Looked After Children: Outcomes, Experiences and Ensuring Meaningful Support to Young Parents In and Leaving Care. Bristol University Press. (Available here.)

Rønning, Olaf Halvorsen, and Ole Hammerslev (eds.). 2018. Outsourcing Legal aid in the Nordic Welfare States. Palgrave. (Available here.)

Saleh-Hanna, Viviane. 2008. Colonial Systems of Control: Criminal Justice in Nigeria. University of Ottawa Press. (Available here.)

Savelsberg, Joachim J. 2015. Representing Mass Violence: Conflicting Responses to Human rights Violations in Darfur. University of California Press. (Available here.)

Savelsberg, Joachim J. 2021. Knowing about Genocide: Armenian Suffering and Epistemic Struggles. University of California Press. (Available here.)

Scholl, Christian. 2013. Two Sides of a Barricade: (Dis)order and Summit Protest in Europe. SUNY Press. (Available here.)

Schrallhammer, Martina (ed.). 2021. Biodiversity of Ciliates and their Symbionts. MDPI. (Available here.)

Schwendinger, Herman, and Julia Schwendinger. 2014. Who Killed the Berkeley School? Struggles Over Radical Criminology. Punctum. (Available here.)

Silverstein, Jordana, and Rachel Stevens (eds.). Refugee Journeys: Histories of Resettlement, Representation and Resistance. ANU Press. (Available here.)

Stallwitz, Anke. 2012. The Role of Community-Mindedness in the Self-Regulation of Drug Cultures. Springer. (Available here.)

Staubli, Silvia. 2017. Trusting the Police: Comparisons across Eastern and Western Europe. Transcript.1 (Available here.)

Strimelle, Veronique and Françoise Vanhamme (eds). 2010. Droits et voix / Rights and Voices : La Criminologie. University of Ottawa Press. (Available here.)

Tanner, Samuel, Valentine

Tarlow, Sarah. 2017. The Golden and Ghoulish Age of the Gibbet in Britain. Palgrave Macmillan. (Available here.)

Tarlow, Sarah, and Emma Battell Lowman. 2018. Harnessing the Power of the Criminal Corpse. Springer Nature. (Available here.)

Trottier, Daniel, Rashid Gabdulhakov, and Qian Huang (eds.). 2020. Introducing Vigilante Audiences. Open Book Publishers. (Available here.)

Unger, Brigitte, Lucia Rossel, and Joras Ferwerda (eds). Combating Fiscal Fraud and Empowering Regulators. Oxford University Press. (Available here.)

Webster, Daniel W., and Jon S. Vernick (ed.). 2013. Reducing Gun Violence in America: Informing Policy with Evidence and Analysis. Johns Hopkins University Press. (Available here. Updated evidence and policy developments here.)

Wetzell, Richard F (eds.). 2014. Crime and Criminal Justice in Modern Germany. Berghahn. (Available here.)

Worden, Robert E., and Sarah J. McLean. 2017. Mirage of Police Reform: Procedural Justice and Police Legitimacy. University of California Press. (Available here.)

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