Historically, course conversations were restricted physically and temporally. Instructors and students could only share, for example, questions and answers (Q&A) with people in their particular section in a particular semester. Worse yet, many conversations are private when they could benefit people in the present and future. Nowadays, we can — and should — publicly communicate with people who are physically and temporally distant. One way to do so is a forum. With those things in mind, this course has a discussion board on a forum for Community Policing; you can go to the forum by clicking here.
Anyone can pose any question pertinent to the course. If you have a question related to the course (that is not of a private nature), you should pose it on the forum. If you have the answer to someone’s question, you should provide it on the forum. Asking for and providing a little help goes a long way.
Go to the forum and Login or Register.1
For email notifications of new posts and replies, click on the forum for this course, and then click “Notify”.
To submit a question, click “New Topic”2, put a short but information subject title, preferably in the form of a question, write a message that describes your questions in further details, and click “Notify me of replies”. If you took a screenshot of the problem, you can attach it as a file. Finally, click “Post” (or “Preview” first).
To submit an answer, related question, or some other relevant information, click on the post, click “Reply” and write the message. If you took a screenshot of the problem, you can attach it as a file. Finally, click “Post” (or “Preview” first).