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Syllabus - SOSC Internship

Published onAug 20, 2021
Syllabus - SOSC Internship

Social Sciences Internship (SOSC 4490)

CRN 83423, Section 90, 3.0 credit hours

Fall 2021 | Online

  • Instructor: Antoinette France-Harris, J.D.

  • Email: [email protected]

  • Phone: 678-466-4810

  • Office: Clayton Hall, T-109A

  • Office hrs: Mondays 3:30-6:00 pm and Tuesdays 11:00 am -1:00 pm via Microsoft Teams

  • Webpage: Prof. Harris' Webpage

Course Description

This course provides a structured off-site experience in a supervised setting combined with reflection on previous learning and career preparation. Enrollment requires approval of the instructor.

Course Prerequisites:

POLS 1101, CRJU 1150, SOCI 1101, or PARA 1101 with a minimum grade of D

Course Learning Objectives

Upon completion of this course, students will be able to:

  • Prepare a resume

  • Prepare a LinkedIn Profile

  • Complete a job interview

  • Prepare job application packets

  • Describe their internship experience in their respective fields of study

  • Explain how their internship taught them valuable experiences, knowledge, and skills

  • Use Kaltura

Textbook Information:

Text: none

Also required: Handouts and other materials provided by instructor on the course website.

Computer Skill Prerequisites

  • Able to use the WindowsTM operating system

  • Able to use Microsoft WordTM word processing

  • Able to send and receive e-mail using OutlookTM

 Only use your CSU e-mail account or the e-mail system included in D2L to communicate academic information to your instructor.

  • Able to attach and retrieve attached files via email

  • Able to use a Web browser.

Computer/Technology Requirements

Each CSU student is required to have “on demand access” throughout the semester to “an appropriate computing device” that meets faculty-approved hardware and software requirements for the student's academic program. Students will be required to sign a statement attesting to such access. For further information on CSU's Computer Devices Policy, see the Academic Catalog and Student Handbook.

Software Requirement

To properly access and submit the course content you will need to download the free software at the following links:

Computer Skill Prerequisites

  • Able to use the WindowsTM operating system

  • Able to use Microsoft WordTM word processing

  • Able to send and receive e-mail using OutlookTM

    • Only use your CSU e-mail account or the e-mail system included in D2L to communicate academic information to your instructor.

  • Able to attach and retrieve attached files via email

  • Able to use a Web browser

Computer Use in This Course:

A computer with secure, reliable and preferably high-speed internet connections will be required to access course materials, submit assignments and take assessments in Brightspace Desire2Learn (D2L). Computers also will be required to communicate with your instructor via email and participate in meetings and discussions in Microsoft Teams.

Technical Support

If you have technical problems, you need to visit The Hub or call them at (678)466-4357 (HELP). Technical problems with your computer (or other devices), internet, and D2L are not an excuse for missing or late work. 

Computer Use in This Course

A computer with secure, reliable and preferably high-speed internet connections will be required to access course materials, submit assignments and take assessments in Brightspace Desire2Learn (D2L). Computers also will be required to communicate with your instructor via email and participate in discussions in Microsoft Teams

Brightspace Desire2Learn (Online Classroom):

On-line activity will take place in Brightspace Desire2Learn (D2L), the virtual classroom for the course, and in Microsoft Teams.  Posting of your work in D2L is a course requirement.

You can gain access to D2L, by signing on to the SWAN portal.  New students, or those who would like a refresh on Brightspace (D2L) features, can review the D2L Video Tutorials - For Students

For instructions on joining a Microsoft Teams meeting, see this brief introduction

If you experience any difficulties in Desire2Learn or Microsoft Teams, please email or call The HUB at [email protected] or (678) 466-HELP. You will need to provide the date and time of the problem, your SWAN username, the name of the course that you are attempting to access or Teams meeting, and your instructor's name.


There are seven kinds of assignments in the course: Resume & Cover Letter; Virtual Practice Interview: Virtual Senior Career Academy; LinkedIn Profile; Job Application Packet; Kaltura Oral Presentation: Reflection on Internship Experience; Logged Internship Hours (150 total).


  • Resume & Cover Letter — 10%

  • Virtual Practice Interview — 10%

  • Virtual Senior Career Academy — 10%

  • LinkedIn Profile — 10%

  • Job Application Packet — 10%

  • Kaltura Oral Presentation: Reflection on Internship Experience — 10%

  • Logged Internship Hours (150 total) — 40%

Extra Credit: There will be no extra credit assignments offered for any reason in this class, so please do not ask. Be sure to complete all assignments listed above in a thorough and timely fashion to maximize your overall performance.

Your final overall grade will be the calculated grade you have achieved as displayed on D2L. It will be rounded up or down to the nearest whole number and then converted to a letter grade according to the chart below. Note that your instructor will not add any “bonus” points for you to achieve a higher letter grade.

Ungraded Assignments

Introductions Discussion & Course Policies & Practices Quiz

You must complete the mandatory no-show assignments: The Introductions Discussion Board and the Course Policies & Practices Quiz. The purpose of these assignments are to give you an opportunity to network with your peers and to ensure your review of the syllabus. They also indicate your commitment to participate in the course. You will have 20 minutes to complete the quiz. You must get a grade of 80% or better to move on in the course. Thus, you should be sure to study the syllabus before beginning.

If you do not complete these assignments by their deadline, you will be reported as a no-show and dropped from the class.

Graded Assignments

Grades on all graded submissions are based upon their conformance with submission deadlines and instructions, and the quality, depth, organization, appearance, accuracy and completeness of the work. Each student is required to do his/her own work on all graded assessments, unless otherwise directed.

Job Prep Activities

Throughout the course, you will complete several job prep activities as indicated in the Course Outline above. They are purposed with getting you ready to enter the job market. The assignments include the following: preparing a resume and cover letter; completing a mock job interview; attending the Senior Career Academy; creating a LinkedIn profile; and preparing a job application packet. Details about these assignments can be found in D2L in their respective folders.

Internship Experience

You are also required to complete assignments that encapsulate your internship experience and afford you the opportunity to reflect on the same. One is time logs, and the other is a Kaltura oral presentation. Details about these assignments can be found in D2L in their respective folders.


You will be given individual feedback on your assignments. You can expect to receive feedback and a grade on your assignments within one week of their due date. You should review this feedback upon grading so that you might improve in subsequent assignments. Feedback directed at the class will appear next to the assignment. Individualized feedback is obtained by clicking on “Assessment Details.”

Late/Missed Work

This online course is asynchronous, but you must complete assignments by the specified due date. Because the course does not require your physical presence, late submissions will only be accepted in extreme circumstances (e.g., death in the family, hospitalization, etc.) and when documentation can be provided. Also, if you have what the instructor deems an excusable absence, it must be brought to her attention within 24 hours of the problem’s occurrence; otherwise, she will not allow an extension. You should complete each week’s work at the beginning of the week, and not wait until the end. Note that “technology problems” will not be accepted as an excuse for late work. Please make sure that you have submitted all weekly assignments by the deadline, otherwise your work will be considered late and given a zero.

University Attendance Policy

Students are expected to attend and participate in every class meeting. Instructors establish specific policies relating to absences in their courses and communicate these policies to the students through the course syllabi. Individual instructors, based upon the nature of the course, determine what effect excused and unexcused absences have in determining grades and upon students’ ability to remain enrolled in their courses. The university reserves the right to determine that excessive absences, whether justified or not, are sufficient cause for institutional withdrawals or failing grades.

Course Attendance Policy

Attendance is expected by logging on to D2L weekly. Whether or not you attend class, you are responsible for all material and assignments, including any that may be added or altered during the semester. Also be aware that the instructor does not provide students who miss or are late to class with notes. You are advised to make a friend or two in class who would be willing to share their notes with you in case you are absent or late.

No Show Policy

It is imperative that students have a successful start of each semester by attending class during the first week and no later than the second week of the semester. A registered student who does not attend at least one class session and complete an assignment by 4 pm on August 19 will be reported a “no show.” The consequences of being reported as a no show are significant: the student will be dropped from the class and may suffer significant financial hardship.

In order for students enrolled in this course to avoid being a “no show,” the completion of an assignment will be required before the no show reporting period has ended. Simply logging into this course in D2L will NOT be considered online attendance. Your instructor will provide details on the online attendance assignment.

General Policy

Students must abide by policies in the Clayton State University Student Handbook, and the Basic Undergraduate Student Responsibilities. The Student Handbook is part of the Academic Catalog and Student Handbook.

Student Conduct

Behavior which disrupts the teaching–learning process during class activities will not be tolerated.  While a variety of behaviors can be disruptive in a classroom setting, more serious examples include belligerent, abusive, profane, and/or threatening behavior.  A student who fails to respond to reasonable faculty direction regarding classroom behavior and/or behavior while participating in classroom activities may be dismissed from class. A student who is dismissed is entitled to due process and will be afforded such rights as soon as possible following dismissal.  If found in violation, a student may be administratively withdrawn and may receive a grade of WF.

More detailed descriptions of examples of disruptive behavior are provided in the Code of Conduct and Disciplinary Procedures sections of the Clayton State University Academic Catalog and Student Handbook.

Online Etiquette (Netiquette)

Please be respectful to fellow students and the professor. Lively discussions, heated debates, disagreements on the subject under discussion will not be allowed to devolve into unwarranted arguments and personal criticisms. A student who fails to respond to reasonable faculty direction regarding classroom behavior and/or behavior while participating in classroom activities may be dismissed from class. A student who is dismissed is entitled to due process and will be afforded such rights as soon as possible following dismissal. If found in violation, a student may be administratively withdrawn and may receive a grade of F.

Since we are in the online environment for this course it is important that you follow standard netiquette procedures as outlined below:

  • Make posts that are on topic and within scope of the course material/discussion at hand.

  • Always give proper credit when referencing or quoting another source.

  • Avoid short, generic replies such as, “I agree.” You should include why you agree/disagree or add to the previous point. If you disagree, you should express your differing opinion in a respectful manner, avoiding personal attacks.

  • Since we are online, it is difficult to decipher sarcasm in its written form.

  • Please do your best to avoid it so it is not taken the wrong way.

  • Be sure to read all messages in a thread before replying.

  • Take your posts seriously and review, edit, and proofread your posts before submission. Serious grammatical mistakes will distract from your post and may take away from the point you are trying to make.

Weapons on Campus

Clayton State University is committed to providing a safe environment for our students, faculty, staff, and visitors. Information on laws and policies regulating weapons on campus is available here.

The instructor will not provide legal advice and nothing discussed in this class shall constitute legal advice. If you are in need of legal assistance, you should contact another member of the Georgia Bar for such counsel.

Academic Dishonesty

Any type of activity that is considered dishonest by reasonable standards may constitute academic misconduct. The most common forms of academic misconduct are cheating and plagiarism.  All instances of academic dishonesty will result in a grade of zero for the work involved.  All instances of academic dishonesty will be reported to the Office of Community Standards.  Judicial procedures are described in the section of the Academic Catalog and Student Handbook titled, Adjudicating Alleged Academic Conduct Infractions.

Clayton State University actively promotes the protection of intellectual property rights. Any sharing or distribution of copyrighted materials is a violation of the Clayton State University’s Computer & Network Acceptable Usage Policy. For more information about peer-to-peer file sharing and copyright, please review Clayton State's Peer-to-Peer and Copyright Policy.

Plagiarism Detection Software

Students agree that by taking this course all required papers may be subject to submission for textual similarity review to for the detection of plagiarism. All submitted papers will be included as source documents in the reference database solely for the purpose of detecting plagiarism of such papers. You should submit your papers in such a way that no identifying information about you is included.

Disability Statement

Students with disabilities who require reasonable accommodations need to register with Disability Services in order to obtain their accommodations. You can contact them at 678-466-5445 or [email protected]. If you are already registered with Disability Services and are seeking accommodations for this course, please make an appointment with me to discuss your specific accommodation needs and give me your accommodations letter.

Midterm Progress Report

The midterm grade in this course reflects approximately 30% of the entire course grade.  Based on this grade, students may choose to withdraw from the course and receive a grade of "W."  Students pursuing this option must fill out an official withdrawal form, available in the Office of the Registrar. Instructions for withdrawing are provided at this link. The last day to withdraw without academic accountability is October 1, 2021.

Center for Academic Success

The Center for Academic Success (CAS) provides personalized one-on-one peer and professional staff tutoring in over 100 core subjects. The Center is located in Edgewater Hall Suite 276. The CAS also offers moderated study groups, informal study sessions, a comfortable study environment, a student study lounge, and it’s all free! Use the CAS if you need help; become a tutor if you don’t. For more information you can e-mail the center at [email protected]

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